Training Suggestions

Informational Briefing

Technical Level: Low


30 Minutes: Introduction to UrbanFootprint Link PPT

Training for Scenario Editors

Technical Level: Medium


30 Minutes: Introduction to UrbanFootprint Link PPT

1:30 hours: Scenario Editing Link PPT

2:00 hours: Hands on experience

Technical Training

Installing UrbanFootprint

Technical Level: Very High


1:00 hour (3:00+ to complete an installation): Installation Link

Base Data Creation

Technical Level: Very High


1:00 hour: Data Preparation Link PPT

1:00 hour: Hands on experience Link

Analytical Modules

Technical Level: High


1:00 hour: Analysis Modules Link PPT

2 Day Curriculum

Intended Audience: Land use planners, transportation planners, GIS staff

Technical Level: High - very high

The two day curriculum prepares a user to understand how to use UrbanFootprint for defining, editing, and evaluating scenarios. The focus is on the scenario planing applications of UrbanFootprint and the specific tasks that need to be accomplished in order to build a scenario from base data.

The students will gain an understanding of what scenario planning is, and why it is done. They will be trained in how to apply those lessons to the creation of a scenario in a hands-on environment. As part of this training an overview of the analytical modules, base data creation, and the installation and deployment process of UrbanFootprint will be presented. Depending on resources and student skills the level of detail in all three categories (analytical modules, base data, and installation) may be customized. At the conclusion of the class students should understand what is needed to run UrbanFootprint, though only students with exceptional existing GIS and Linux experience are likely to be able to operate UrbanFootprint independently.

Day 1


30 Minutes: Introduction to UrbanFootprint Link PPT

2:00 hours: Scenario Editing Link PPT

1:00 hour: Analysis Modules Link PPT

3:00 hours: Exercise: Develop a scenario

1:30 hours: Discussion and Additional Hands-on time.

Day 2


1:00 hour (3:00+ to complete an installation): Installation Link

1:00 hour: Data Preparation Link PPT

1:00 hour: Exercise: Data Creation Link

4:00 hours: Exercise: Create and Evaluate a Scenario

1:00 hour: Conclusion and Discussion

3 Hour Curriculum

Intended Audience: Land use planners, transportation planners, GIS staff, other interested individuals.

Technical Level: Medium

The three hour curriculum is intended to familiarize the students with what UrbanFootprint is, how it can be used for scenario planning, and familiarize the student with the process in a hands-on experience. Brief notes will be given on the installation of UrbanFootprint and on base data creation, but these topics will not be covered in detail.


30 Minutes: Introduction to UrbanFootprint Link PPT

1:00 hour: Scenario Editing Link PPT

30 Minutes: Analysis Modules Link PPT

1:00 hour: Hands on experience

PowerPoints and other materials from the UrbanFootprint training offered June 27-28 at UC Davis. Zip